
In this damned weather of making babies,  where we dress in layers while some don’t give a fuck altogether, take me by my waist, not there that’s my bum, a little above it, yes right there.

Dance with me.

In a time when pastors are hurling insults to their congregation and bishops are raping our girls. In this time where we are the country of mockery. The biggest joke. Instead of making  a difference as a developing country we have managed to be the rule and not the exception. In this time of damnation and lingering defeat, switch off the TV. Get me off my ass and up on my feet. Place my hands on your neck, right there where it tickles the most. Your button of satisfaction, my campsite of pleasure. Steady….give me some eye contact my love and

Dance with me.

As I ponder over the idea of slitting this black,white,red and green bracelet on my right hand, take the scissors away from me. While I wish the best for my family and friends but leave out our great nation, forget to plead to our God of all creation, to bless this our land and nation, remind me that we face trials before we can become triumphant. Now do not make me tip on my toes as you force a grind out of me. No! I will sway my hips left and right, legs apart and you will do the same. Gently with rhythm, with desire not hungrily babe but with admiration. We’ll do this with our bodies close and our faces relaxed, yes…like that

Dance with me.

While we get agitated over a number we were threatened into registering for yet we received no civic education for it. While the rich rob billions and walk free but two thousand shillings worth of Bhang will land a commoner thirty years in prison, whisper in my ears, “Tekit eazeh.”   Play that music that does not make us sweat (muziki bila jasho) but gets the ambience hotter than the Sahara. Play it loud enough for others to know that even though our borders want to enslave us, we continue to choose freedom. As we dance, you will come behind me and do a turn, yes like in salsa and I will feel pride again. Proud of the soil I came from. So baby please just..

Dance with me.

As I complain that traffic is hell since you know who came in. While my Kuyo Uber guy tells me that despite where you come from, everyone is suffering and finishes his statement with, “Ni Gutee!” Tell me to keep quiet. Let us swing and sway, may the music carry our souls and calm the worries of our hearts. Left, right, left, right yes you got it. Now in and out, in and out and swing, haha yes my darling. Let us move to life, to freedom and to the wisdom that we hope will be bestowed upon the leaders of this great nation. Let us move, not to forget but to be strong for our homeland Kenya, heritage of splendor.

Dance with me.


Happy Madaraka day everyone.

