One of the challenges I have faced is holding on to what I was taught growing up and embracing what the mind accepts most suitable for my conscience. With all I have ever faced in my short time on planet earth, what has always stood clear is that I desire no conflict within myself.

Being an adult means being realistic. The blows of negativity that come your way demand that you get something to fall back on. A cushion to life if I may say so. People choose different things; beliefs, routines, mantras to live by, or even breathing exercises. Not to say that people don’t know how to breathe but life can get to you that you forget to. And with these ‘saving graces’, a shimmer of positivity is established, and a plant of hope is planted.

I know what it means to have beliefs and I know what can be deemed the opposite. I have come to understand that what I stand for is my peace of mind. The rest: the titles and labels are simply noise. My journey of understanding what peace looks like has led me to horoscopes. Come on, don’t stop reading. I found my shimmer of positivity in reading what my Zodiac sign says. I am not into Astrology, and I mind my own business as far as the moon is concerned but discovering uplifting messages for simply being an Aries has changed the game.

I am a woman so it is most fair to say that I change my mood the way a chameleon would if it landed on a rainbow. Therefore, I have been required to have that thing that calms me, something that answers to the thoughts and emotions that keep me company. And with the need to answer every thought I have ever had from the time I was a girl to the time I became a woman, well still becoming, I have found solace in my star sign. The daily Zodiac affirmations have me in a chokehold. I know that you would politely recommend therapy to unlock more peace, but rest assured that my bank account recommends horoscopes in the meantime. But truly, I have never thought that words of affirmation were something I needed till I got them.

Again, I must be clear. I have no expert understanding of the favors the moon bestows on me nor do I wish to but like I said positivity is simply not a goal of mine but an unending intention. All I have discovered from my Aries readings is that the Universe truly wants the best for me and honestly, I’m aligned.

When the message calls me a queen or when it tells me to be patient for all I desire, I feel nothing but affirmed. I stand naked every day in front of a mirror before getting dressed, I understand I am a queen, a goddess an empress. Honestly, every woman on earth is special there is nothing else to add to it. I know those good things that I desire may take time, so it is crystal clear that I do not consume these horoscopes for words that I am yet to hear, I consume these messages for the words I should always remember.

You see, personally, positivity is not a goal of mine, it is an intention. And the magic of being intentional is that there are no deadlines. I enjoy being called an Aries queen, being told to be cautious with how I flirt because I know I am a great flirt, being told that is okay to not be okay, and being told that things and people can be outgrown. Such things come to you in simple realization but having a message that feels specifically written for you is quite special.

In conclusion, this is in no way to push you to do it. A magical aspect of being an adult is doing as you please and I took my time to share this with you because it pleases me a great deal. It makes me feel good, and excited to celebrate special occasions like my birthday; something we are told to not make a big deal of as we grow older, it makes me remember things like reflecting and resetting. I think it’s important for everyone to have something that reminds them that they are deserving of nothing but the very best. We owe ourselves that much and I will very well take my time every day to bask in the delight that the very best is mine for the taking.


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